Und jedem Anfang wohnt ein Zauber inne, der uns beschützt und der uns hilft, zu leben. (from Hermann Hesse’s poem “Stufen”) Happy New Year! It is so wonderful to start. My 2015 Continue reading
Und jedem Anfang wohnt ein Zauber inne, der uns beschützt und der uns hilft, zu leben. (from Hermann Hesse’s poem “Stufen”) Happy New Year! It is so wonderful to start. My 2015 Continue reading
Making music, of course. Composing, writing. And listening, too. Again, again, again. Last Sunday, I was able to spend some hours listening to a recording session by singer Tenzin Ngingthatshang and her group featuring Continue reading
There’s not many recipes or rules that I’d call useful in art, and thus in art education. But in the creative field of music, I do think one can’t go Continue reading
What a month this has been. Calming things down now, but November sure was intensely beautiful. Working with great, creative musicians, a fantastic sound engineer, dedicated promoters, and having a Continue reading
A midi, on était à Rennes, dans le cadre du festival Jazz à l’Ouest. Concert en duo avec Wolfert Brederode. Et Boris Darley était avec nous pour le son. Les Continue reading
Making our way through a rain storm to Eschen FL last Friday, our mood could not have been better. Then, playing and singing in the intimacy of Tangente for the Continue reading
Saturday, we played in Munich, home of my record label ECM. The day before, arriving from Paris, we had the chance to meet up with ECM founder Manfred Eicher. Since Continue reading
Pays de culture, pays que j’aime, on est avec vous. On reviendra en France, même très prochainement, et on reviendra toujours. Merci à cette magnifique équipe à Nevers, on y Continue reading
Dimanche, on avait le plaisir de débuter notre duo dans une salle tellement belle à Parme en Italie. Quel magnifique festival, ParmaFrontiere! Un grand merci a Roberto Bonati, Livia Baroncini, Pietro Bandini, Continue reading
As much as I love singing with my group The Gift, I’ve always had the duo thing going on, too. I’ve played in the duo setting with Wolfert Brederode for a really long time Continue reading