
When growing up, music was my joy, my solace, my refuge. It still is. In my happiest moments, I am dancing to music. Hearing, singing, moving, dancing. An everyday possibility I have, and I am grateful. I watch my two sons dance, and we dance together, in a free and wild way. Those are may be the moments when we feel most connected. 

Most of the time, when I like the music, I want to dance to it. It can be music by Sun Ra (like this record). Or the wonderful Mozart Piano Sonata Nr. 11 in A, KV 331, played by Wilhelm Kempff. Or then again Mary J. Blige’s singing, I like The Breakthrough. I also dance to everything Jeanne Lee – my teacher, friend and favourite voice in jazz – sang. For example to this record. To all her records, really. And this music – well it makes my heart dance.

Of course I hope that some of the listeners will dance to our music, too.